It has been brought to our attention that in the most recent disclosure document dated December 2016, that DRI is stating that there are two Independent Directors on the Board. This is a major change - up until now, James Orr, (who is not an employee of DRI and is a member of Embarc), has not been elected according to the rules for electing an Independent Director as the Declarant (DRI) was able to vote for this position and ensured that Mr. Orr was elected by casting all their votes (equal to 15 times the power per point of those of individual members) for him.
We ask all Embarc members to participate in this campaign to let the Board know that we are all aware of this change and expect that it will stay as such, unchanged for the election this June. Note that the VCC (Volunteer Coordinating Committee) has endorsed Chantal Desjardins as the CIOG candidate for the June 2018 election.
Please take the time to copy/paste the following text into the form below and support our campaign to ensure that Embarc members have two Independent Directors on the Board to represent member interests. Also, please feel free to amend the text to make it more personal and to reflect your own communication style.
2018 Election for Independent Director
We wish to inform you that we fully expect the spring 2018 election of the independent position on the board, currently held by James Orr, to be conducted in accordance with the current Embarc disclosure, dated December 2016. The December 2016 disclosure states "Members may cast all of their votes for one candidate or allocate their votes among more than one candidate, provided however that at least one director (the "Independent Director") must be elected solely by the Voting Power of the Resort Point Members. The current Independent Directors are Mr. Kenneth Smith, who was elected for a three year term in 2014, and Mr. James Orr, who was elected for a three year term in 2015."
As such, we are confirming with the Board that this position will be voted only by non-declarant members in good standing as of the date of record for the vote in accordance with normal voting rules of Embarc, and NOT by the declarant. The declarant points and 15:1 voting power have no role in this election since the election is of an INDEPENDENT director.
We are aware that this has been brought to your attention by at least one member already, and wish to point out that it would be inappropriate to conduct this election in any other manner.