On October 24th, Michel Berthiaume updated members on behalf of the Volunteer Coordinating Committe (VCC), about what our group had been doing since Konrad's election to the board in June. My purpose today is to give members some insight as to our "next steps" for the coming weeks.
The VCC has a full-day meeting planned for the end of November. One of the highlights of the day is expected to be a conference call with Michael Geldert to discuss his legal opinion / litigation proposals. This will allow the VCC to develop an Operational Plan based on his findings.
Other items on the agenda for the day include:
development of a "Code of Ethics and Working Principles" for the VCC Team
discussion and adoption of "Community and Publication" guidelines for social media and our website
development of guidelines for meetings and retreats
a review and discussion of our Vision, Mission, Values and Strategic Objectives in light of what we will have discussed with Michael Geldert earlier in the day
a review of the roles and responsibilities of VCC members including the addition of new members to adopt certain roles necessary for the advancement of our objectives
a discussion of what the Operational Plan will be, including but not exclusive of:
the consideration of legal action
the mobilization of Embarc membership
developing awareness, education and public relations strategies
We hope to have a very productive day and will communicate those details which we can, at some time after the meeting.
Stay vacationed, but be aware!